
Friday, February 25, 2011

Class Fri. 2/25: Peer Editing

1. self-reflection: what was your plan for revision after the conference? how did you implement that advice? what questions do you have?
2. announce Writing and Reading Center
3. Peer Editing:
* read your classmates' paper and answer the following questions (you may write directly on the paper, and also attach a sheet of notebook paper for the longer questions)
4. go over Works Cited page

HW: final draft due Monday. Bring Let Us Now Praise Famous Men to class Monday (you'll have reading from that book next week)

Sentence-Level / Style Concerns:
1. Is the writing clear and understandable? Mark any sentences that are hard to follow.
2. Correct any small spelling mistakes, etc. Put a "?" where you are confused...
3. Write "Run-On" next to any run-on sentences you discover. Write "Fragment" next to any sentence fragments.
4. Point out any overly long, clunky sentences.
5. Pronouns and antecedents, singular / plural, verb tense. Mark any mistakes you find. Try to correct them.
6. Style: is the essay double-spaced, 12-point font (no Courier New), with standard margins?
7. Are sources properly cited? Is there a Works Cited page?

Global / Content concerns:

1. Does the essay have an excellent title?
2. Underline the thesis. How could the thesis be more clear? Is it Unique, Specific, and Debatable?  Explain. Give suggestions for how it could be more so.
3. Could the essay benefit from more specific examples from Baghdad Burning? (suggest any sections that come to mind)
4. Do you count three additional sources?
5. Should the author consider using an additional source, or using an existing source more? Why?
6. Evaluate the conclusion. Give suggestions for how the author could extend the essay further. Suggest an idea the author might address more, or more thoroughly.
7. What paragraph is strongest? Why?
8. What paragraph is weakest / needs most work? Why?

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