1. Consider Reality Television
2. Consider Evans and Other Farm Security Admin photos (in groups, then discuss)
3. Preview Agee's writing
3/4: have read all material in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men up to p. 45
Prompt for Friday Paper: Offer a brief reading, in the form of a short compare/contrast essay, that discusses how Agee’s writing style and Evans picture-taking style fit together, and compliment each other.
As a group look back over Evans photos and consider the ones you looked at for homework.
Ask and answer the following questions:
What patterns do you see? (reoccurring images, composition, camera angles)
After locating several patterns, ask youself what do these things mean? (WHY did the photographers compose their pictures this way? Remember Sontag's idea that photos create their own "truth" by a process of "visual editing.")
What "truths" about poverty or rural life do these photos suggest? What are these photos' roles in simply documenting these "truths"? What are their role in constructing these "truths"?
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