
Friday, March 4, 2011

Questions about the Preface of LUNPFM

what does Agee mean when he writes, "the effort is to recognize the stature of a portion of unimagined existence, and to contrive techniques proper to its recording , communication, analysis, and defense"? (xiv)

What does Agee mean when he writes, "if complication arise that is because they (Agee and Evans) are trying to deal with [the lives of tenant farmers] not as journalists, sociologists, politicians, entertainers, humanitarians, priests, or artists, but seriously"? (xv)

What does it mean that the photos are "not illustrative" but "coeqaul" to the writing? What is the difference for us, as readers, to think of them this way?

What is Agee getting at when he writes, "This is a book only by necessity." More seriously, it is an effort in human actuality..." ?(xvi) (also see p. 13)

Why is the work "curious" according to Agee? (7)

Why is Agee not worried if he bores us? (10)

Why does Agee say, " A piece of the body torn out by the roots might be more to the point" (13) ?

Who is the book written for, according to Agee on p. 14-15? Is there irony or sarcasm in his explanation?

Why shouldn't this book be thought of as Art? (p.15)

What does Agee mean by his analogy of turning a phonograph player as loud as it will go and placing your ear directly against the speaker? (p.15)

How do you explain Agee's guilt and enthusiasm for this project?

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